Eternity (Eternity)
2022, ES_365, Düsseldorf, Photography: Rainer Rudolf-Benoit

"The non-dualistic structuring of their psychomental dispositions, their way of understanding the world, where body and spirit, flesh and divine are never opposed, but connected, overcomes the idolatry of the ego, which is characteristic for Western culture - where you are only when you think - and leads to the silence of the individual (...), but not to its suppression." — Béatrice Picon-Vallin

Exodus (Exodus)
2023, Artartist, Düsseldorf, Photography: Akiko Stiebeling

Exodus (Exodus)
2023, Artartist, Düsseldorf, Photography: Akiko Stiebeling

Eternity (Eternity)
2022, ES_365, Düsseldorf, Photography: Rainer Rudolf-Benoit

The Call (The Call)
2017, exclusive photo shoot, Photography: Claudia Van Koolwijk

The Call (The Call)
2017, in the context of the exhibition „An und für sich“ Galerie DD-Contemporary, Düsseldorf, Photography: Peter Skala

Eternity (Eternity)
2022, ES_365, Düsseldorf, Photography: Rainer Rudolf-Benoit

The bear is grumbling – The lion is laughing (Es brummt der Bär – Der Löwe lacht)
1988, CON-SUM Düsseldorf, Photography: Bernd Jansen